Friday, December 14, 2012

Super L33t Bolt-Action Tacticool

  Alright so, if you haven't figure this out yet, I have the Hawk by airzone.  My lovely lady got it for me for Christmas. It's a quirky little blaster. Very fun to play with, I must say.
  First off, the ranges for the Airzone version are approximately 30 feet. Now, I can only assume that either they have been improved in recent months or the Airzone version is better designed than the Buzz Bee Hawk, because most of the videos I have seen online claim that the Hawk MAYBE gets 15-20 feet, but I tested it multiple times, and each time the darts landed around the 30 foot mark, taking into account for dart skidding.  For anything that isn't Nerf, that is definitely a pleasant surprise.
  The priming mech is very simple: you flip up the bolt, pull it all the way back, and then push it forward completely until it locks into place. That being said, it has a few issues. For one, the bolt has a tendency to feel as though it locks about 2 inches from the actual point.  Also, the trigger locks if the bolt is not in the forward and locked position. So, that can be the rather obvious indicator that you did not fully prime the blaster. This is a relatively minor issue but could be fairly annoying if you're actively using the Hawk for something besides target practice and playing around.
  Next up: comfort, and while I'm at it, durability.  The Hawk is rather well made. It doesn't feel nearly as flimsy as Airzone and Buzz Bee blasters are famous for.  I suppose they've decided to make improvements.  Now, the stock certainly does not reach to my shoulder, so the stability is based on how steady or shaky your hands are.  The handle, however, fits my large hands quite nicely despite the overall small design.  The foregrip is also long enough to where there is a comfortable distance between my hands as opposed to them being right on top of each other.
  The clip system is...decent. It works, well enough at least.  It is not nearly as sturdy or well designed as the Clip System clips from Nerf, but it is passable.  It does have a tendency to just shoot out all your shells while you're trying to load it, which makes reloading under pressure annoying, even if it is only a 4 dart capacity. Also, the inability to by replacement clips separately is a definite downside. The shells also tend to be rather annoying. It makes reloading difficult and it's just ONE MORE THING to track down at the end of a war. Not too bad if you tend to camp and fend off attackers from a position, I suppose, but if you're mobile, find something else.
  Ok, I will give one thing to this blaster without even weighing it. IT'S SOOPER TACT1COOL. 1) it's bolt action, duh. 2) It has shells (OMG just like a "weal gun") 3) It has shell ejection, which is actually really cool, if annoying. and 4) there is storage for up to 4 extra shells in the stock.
  So, for buying potential: It's not bad. If you can get it in good condition used, I suppose that would be your best bet, but if you lay down the money for it new, it's definitely not the worst decision you'll make.
You can see my video review here:
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Quick Overview Of My Situation

Hey guys (and gals), derpy here. Due to certain situations, such as only having a kindle fire,I will post to the best of my ability, but that best has been sinificantly lowered because I myself do not have access to a Pc. I am absolutely happy that we have dusted the Internet cobwebs from this barren wasteland of a blog, and that now I have the time to provide any content that I can, but believe you me, it is a pain and a half. On another note: I am using my friends cameras, so when I can take pictures and post videos I will, but when I can't I can't. Its just that simple. Check back for foamy things. Happy nerfing, and may the... er...bye.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Derpy has returned

Hey guys, it's been SO LONG. Long story short, life gets in the way. If you haven't heard, I am working on a new project. I have some sketches done by my friend and I, photographed with an iphone. So, sorry for the quality..

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rubber and Bolt

     So today I bought the Z-Tek Crossbow from the Air Storm line by Zinger.  It's not EXACTLY a blaster, but it IS a foam launcher.  It is pretty enjoyable, as far as I am concerned.  The box claims approximately 45 feet and I must say: this thing delivers.  When you load and nock one of the foam "bolts" and fire it, it makes a satisfying "thwack" on whatever it hits. 
     The cool thing about this is its firing mechanism: all the power from this launcher comes from the latex rubber tubes connected to the arms. All the tension from pulling back the tubes is stored in the bolt and when you pull the trigger, a small plastic piece that holds the bolt withdraws from the external part of the shell and the potential energy of the drawn tubes and bolt is turned into kinetic (moving) energy. This flings the bolt about almost exactly 45 feet flat with little margin for error.
     It is a remarkably simple little device and has no real internals to speak of besides a peg and a safety lock. So, the modding potential of this thing is almost 0, unless you were to replace the bands somehow with more powerful ones, or make more aerodynamic bolts. Of course, that is all speculation
But to review it honestly, it's great. It does what it sets out to do and I really like it. I bought mine at Wal Mart for $25 and if crossbows or archery interests you, I suggest you at least give it a once over.
  Anyway, you can see my review here:
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,

The Warden Has Returned

Hey Guys!
Warden here, sorry that I haven't made a post but I had a long, nerfless summer. I promise from now on I will be making posts regularly that will coincide with my Youtube videos. I'll post a link to my videos, which will be a brief overview of my projects while I will go into more detail on here! Thanks for your interest!
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hey everybody, I have been gone a while. But I'm back, and alive. I see the warden hasn't been posting, and I will try to contact him. Cheers.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nerf Longshot Mod Guide

This is my Mod Guide on the Nerf Longshot. Any questions post a comment.
Sorry for the bad quality. Great quality video at my channel