Monday, December 10, 2012

Rubber and Bolt

     So today I bought the Z-Tek Crossbow from the Air Storm line by Zinger.  It's not EXACTLY a blaster, but it IS a foam launcher.  It is pretty enjoyable, as far as I am concerned.  The box claims approximately 45 feet and I must say: this thing delivers.  When you load and nock one of the foam "bolts" and fire it, it makes a satisfying "thwack" on whatever it hits. 
     The cool thing about this is its firing mechanism: all the power from this launcher comes from the latex rubber tubes connected to the arms. All the tension from pulling back the tubes is stored in the bolt and when you pull the trigger, a small plastic piece that holds the bolt withdraws from the external part of the shell and the potential energy of the drawn tubes and bolt is turned into kinetic (moving) energy. This flings the bolt about almost exactly 45 feet flat with little margin for error.
     It is a remarkably simple little device and has no real internals to speak of besides a peg and a safety lock. So, the modding potential of this thing is almost 0, unless you were to replace the bands somehow with more powerful ones, or make more aerodynamic bolts. Of course, that is all speculation
But to review it honestly, it's great. It does what it sets out to do and I really like it. I bought mine at Wal Mart for $25 and if crossbows or archery interests you, I suggest you at least give it a once over.
  Anyway, you can see my review here:
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,

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