Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A nerf what? Gun versus Blaster

So, as you are all aware, the most common term for the line of dart firing toys made by Buzz Bee, Airzone, and of course, Nerf, is a gun.  It is a cultural norm.  It is also common for the darts to be referred to as bullets. The purpose of this particular post is to warn against the use of these terms.  First of all, the darts are obviously NOT bullets. They are made of foam and rubber and in rare cases, plastic.  Bullets are made of shaped metal and are placed in a shell with gunpowder that fires off the bullet when it ignites. I've never seen this action with any foam dart. Also, Nerf blasters are NOT guns. Even though they resemble them, they aren't. I recommend against using this term mostly because of the trouble it brings. For example, I am a college student. We aren't allowed to have Nerf blasters. Know why? because they are viewed as weapons! Your use of the word "gun" colors everyone's view of these harmless toys. So, please, for the sake of Nerfing, stop calling them guns.
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,

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